
Camera has frozen

Check that camera is set to “auto” mode, which is the green square on the mode dial.

Camera countdown frozen
  1. Make sure something is in front of the lens to focus on, not just a blank wall etc
  2. Improve the lighting, it might be too dark for the camera to focus
  3. Switch to Manual Focus (not recommended)
Internet won’t connect
  1. Restart the booth
  2. Restart MiFi
  3. Connect to a different network
  4. Hotspot a phone as a last resort
Camera will not take a photo
  1. Check SD card space, format if full
  2. Check hard drive space, delete some old events if full
Specific Green Screen won’t work
  1. Check the green screens are uploaded correctly (preview shows the image)
  2. Reupload if necessary
Green screen not showing up
  1. Check the lighting
  2. Make sure it is uploaded in the cloud
Nothing printing
  1. Check start menu > printers
  2. Make sure that only one printer is showing it more than one delete other printers
  3. Unplug printer and reboot the booth
  4. Plug printer back in and check for single printer
  5. Right click printer and go to printer preferences, change paper to landscape
Booth won’t turn on
  1. Make sure there is power to the booth or the tablet has been fully charged
  2. If using a generator, try a power outlet
  3. If using a long extension cable try without
  4. Is anyone sharing the outlet (DJ for example) that would draw too much power
  5. Move booth somewhere else to a different outlet
  6. Reduce the load on the circuit (unplug printer etc) and just plug in TS and monitor


SMS or Email not sending
  1. Check a different phone
  2. Double check internet connection
  3. Ask them to send an email to you
iPad not showing pictures

In the cloud change the date to today

Event not showing on the booth

In the cloud change the date to today